When a member of staff or locum forgets to provide all of the services that are set out in your protocols the patient can suffer and you are exposed to risk. If they provide a treatment but forget to bill for it, your profits take a direct hit.
With the error rate on veterinary bills averaging around 20%, it pays to find out just how well your staff are doing and where you need to make improvements.
Revenue Retriever shows you clearly which treatments are being missed, how well individual staff members are achieving your practice benchmarks, and how much their omissions are costing your practice. Read on or contact us to discuss how it could work in your organisation.
Contact usRevenue Retriever analyses the detailed billing data from your practice management system to learn the combinations of products and services that are commonly used together within your practice or group. From this it generates a set of smart rules which can identify when an expected treatment has been missed.
To give you a clear understanding of the financial implications, Revenue Retriever learns the price of each treatment from your billing data and builds a model of lost revenue into its smart rules.
Because there are sometimes exceptions to the rules, you can set benchmark figures that allow you to set realistic levels at which you expect each procedure to be followed.
These smart rules are unique to your practice or veterinary group. You can fine-tune and adjust them to take into account how your practice operates and to reflect your own priorities.
Revenue Retriever provides reports and key metrics so you can build a picture of your current performance and measure subsequent improvement across all your practices, staff and clinical areas.
You can see prioritised lists of the treatments that are being missed or omitted from customers’ bills, including how often it’s happening and what it’s costing you. It provides comparisons of practices and staff members, and allows you to measure individual performance against benchmark targets.
Revenue Retriever includes a full set of reports, designed specifically for managers of veterinary practices and groups. You can also export summary data to analyse and track in your own spreadsheet or business intelligence package.
With automated auditing from Revenue Retriever, veterinary practices are improving customer care and recovering substantial lost revenues. Please contact us to arrange a demo or explore how much your practice could gain:
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